Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Another Reason Massachusetts Sucks

Voters reject three statewide questions

BOSTON (AP) - Wine drinkers must continue to visit liquor stores
for a bottle of red or white after Massachusetts voters rejected a
ballot question that would have allowed sales in grocery stores.
Question One went down to defeat after the most expensive ballot
initiative campaign in state history, with opposing sides combining
to spend more than eleven (m) million dollars.
The opposition was led by a coalition of independent liquor
store owners who warned that wine sales in grocery and convenience
stores would lead to more underage drinking and more drunken
driving fatalities.
Chris Flynn of the Massachusetts Food Association -- which
backed the measure -- said voters (quote) "were misled by a
negative, scare campaign."


What every happened to the land of liberty? A free market economy? Customer choice? Classy, Massachusetts voters, very classy...forcing your puritanical, out-dated beliefs on those who think differently than yourselves. Don't worry..your gross, trashy package stores have been saved! Your already classy convienence stores won't have booze in the aisle..trashing up your Cheetos display and cigarette counter. Thanks for voting against the right to choose.

And so I'm making this choice. I will not go into you, gross packy. Never again. I will only buy wine at the few grocery stores near me that sell Pinots and Reislings. I will drive the extra miles..I'd rather give my money to the oil tycoons than to you jerks at the liquor store who refuse to let me choose.



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