Friday, August 25, 2006

What a Week!

No posts for several days, you wonder? I've been one busy girl! Weekly recap, starting.............


Monday: Good folks, good's Snakes on a Plane! Was the movie cheesy? Yes! Did it disappoint? Heck no!

Tuesday: An order for nerd.notes gets specific. My fingers ache from creating, but it hurts to good!

Wednesday: Take the night off work for no hooky by shopping, eating and listening to good tunes at a nearby bar

Thursday: Learn a necklace sells at Jubilation!!!!!!!! Also, find out rumors about losing my job may actually be true. Laugh as much as I can, even though the thought of leaving here is breaking my heart.

Friday: Forget for just a little bit that I live 3,000 miles from normal. Shop and TCB in the rain. Listen to a mom tell her daughter why rain is good..and I agree.

PS. What is it about Under the Influence of Giants' "Mama's Room" that makes me want to lace up my roller skates, grab a cute guy, and couple skate in the reverse direction? Oh, if only someone would help start up my glo-stick...


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