Saturday, August 05, 2006

An Open Letter to Jerry Bruckheimer

Mr. Bruckheimer,

I am writing to you today to plea for the 150 minutes that you stole from me this afternoon. Oh, and if you could give Nick back the $15 dollars you took from us, that would be nice, too.

I guess really the fault must be mine. I mean, I guess I should have know the Captain Jack jokes would get old, but man that Johnny Depp was so charming the first go around. And really, the crazy love triangle? Could it have been any more predictable? And maybe previews with the scary Davy Jones should have been a warning (not to mention all I could think about was the Monkee). Faces with barnacles? Sheesh. So boring!!

So, Mr. Bruckheimer, heed this warning: No more crap, my friend! And if you need to remember how to make a good popcorn flick, pop in your copy of Top Gun. That shit is da bomb!!

Hugs and Kisses,

One Disappointed Movie-goer


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