Friday, February 02, 2007

Global Warming: The Punxsutawney Phil Way!

Gobbler's Knob -- The forecast from this quaint town in the Northeast is a warm one. From the Groundhog himself:

El Nino has caused high winds, heavy snow, ice and freezing temperatures in the west.
Here in the East with much mild winter weather we have been blessed.

Global warming has caused a great debate.
This mild winter makes it seem just great.

On this Groundhog Day we think of one thing.
Will we have winter or will we have spring?

On Gobbler's Knob I see no shadow today.
I predict that early spring is on the way.

Who knew a rodent could rhyme?! Good ole Phil's forecast, along with the recent controversy about the government covering up findings that back up claims of global warming, got me thinking. Can we throw out decades of scientific research and just go off the findings taken every February Second?

Let's take a look!

1887 is the first recorded year of Punxsutawney Phil's prediction..and he saw his shadow. It was only three years later where he did not see his shadow.

From here, the recorded history is spotty, at best. The records become clear again in 1900, where Phil sees his shadow 34 years straight until his first clear day in 1934. There was a partial shadow-spotting in 1942, but the record-keepers blame the war, not global warming, for that shady prediction.

He sees no shadow again in 1950, and then, let the warming begin!

Between 1970 and 1999, Punxsutawney Phil does not sees his shadow 8 TIMES!!! Before 1969, there are 3 confirmed cases where Phil did not see his shadow. After today's prediction, that makes 9 short winters in the past 28 years!

Punxsutawney Phil...winter warming predictor...

Al Gore would be so proud.


At 03 February, 2007 15:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are my absolute favorite nerd of all-time!~JLE

At 09 February, 2007 15:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice in Oregon.


At 09 February, 2007 15:06, Blogger dF said...

Me Too!


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