Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So Hot!

Because it's an injustice not to share this with the world...

I am a member of the inner-office email listserv for the Paris Hilton Quote of the Day. These gems of wisdom come straight from Paris' own personal diary and shared with a select group of people by one of my co-workers. And now, I share these with you! Enjoy!

"Telling the truth is a good idea. Telling people what they want to hear is a better one."

"God's greatest invention: push-up bras!"

"If you can't wear heels, wear a mini. Otherwise, your legs will look like little stumps. That is so not hot."

"Girls with big feet have huge imaginations. And bank accounts."

"More clothes are better than less clothes. A girl needs a lot of options or she'll be in a bad mood."

" If people dress just like you, take it as a compliment. Everyone will know you did it first. If they don't, remind them."

"Look in the mirror once a day and say, 'I'm an heiress! And I'm worth a bundle!'"


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