Friday, February 15, 2008

Poetry In Motion

A rant put together so well I had to save it, and share it! Riveting..


ps. i heart keith olbermann

Monday, February 11, 2008

About A Boy

Very rarely do I put something so personal out into the blogosphere, but I've come to realize new me = new rules. Plus, in this year of New Me I feel that it's best to keep with the New Year's Resolutions which include no longer hiding.

I am in love. I am in love with the most wonderful man. I am in love like they are in the movies. I am a changed person because of love. Exclamation point.

Love found me at work, and while many people may furrow the brow with that concerned "you-shouldn't-dip-your-pen-in-the-company-ink" look, I'll have you know that recent studies (done by "experts") find that a work-place romance is good! So, until the experts chance their minds, or until a glass of red wine or a piece of antioxident-laden chocolate is no longer good for me, I'm going with those findings.

And the most wonderful part of my new love, and therefore new life, is that it is easy. My new life is filled with passion that had been lacking. It's filled with laughter that never seems to end. It's filled with surprises and joy and inspiring conversations about everything that could last for days.

And while any great love is filled with complexities and layers, these things all fall into place so simply. Being where I am now is as simple as breathing. Nothing is forced and nothing is held back. It happens organically and completely and without effort.

The only thing we fought was the process of falling in love itself.

My Brian loves me...for me. And I love him for the man who he is...and for the man he is working to be. He is my reminder that it is ok to take risks and do things that scare us. He reminds me that the world is big, and that there are countless adventures to take. He is brilliant and funny and honest and caring and loving and passionate and truly good. He inspires, and helps conspire, and is a true and equal partner to me.

So, in true television fashion, I leave you with a tease. Brian and I have some big plans. We have big plans for our relationship. We have big plans for our lives. And we have big plans to continue loving each other without holding anything back. Stay with us.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Mass Exodus

As of just a few hours ago, I surrendered my Massachusetts driver's license to the good people at the Nevada DMV (even though I continue fighting the urge to call it RMV. Take the girl out of Boston, ey? ha!).

I am officially a resident of the Silver State. As is my car. Not the Beetle I've dreamed of for so long, but some scars stay with us.

I'm still getting used to the idea that I FINALLY live in a warm weather climate. Today was flip-flop early February!!! The temperature change was so weird for this northern girl, I had a hard time remembering the date. It's a problem I'm sorta digging.

I've had quite a bit of time to myself in the past few days. That means plenty of time to catch up on the neglected and watch a bunch of girl movies. It's like visiting old friends. Last night, Bridget Jones. Tonight, it's the ensemble from Love Actually. And doesn't it start off quite nicely, with that cad Hugh Grant's voice over at the security gate?


"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world,
I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow airport.
General opinion makes out that we live in a world of hatred and greed
I don't see that.
Seems to me that love is everywhere.
Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy but it's always there.
Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives,
boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends.
When the planes hit the Twin Towers,
none of the phone calls from people on board were messages of hate or revenge,
hey were all messages of love.
lf you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."


Does it get any better? Yah. Try the final scene. I feel more like me already.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Emancipation Proclamation

Deep breath. Let it out. Here we go.

It's the post I've been delaying and now, I feel the time has come. Some things have been happening in my life and it's time to share.

My relationship with Nick is over. Officially, it ended a couple months back. Unofficially, it's been over for years.

There is no need to go into detail here as to what happened. Those close to me already know. Those on the other side know their version. And somewhere in between is likely the truth...if there was any truth there to begin with.

I have no regret when I look back on the past five and a half (!) years. This journey taught me so much. I learned new things about myself. I re-learned things I knew and pushed out of my life.

And, I found complete happiness and joy once again. In myself. I will never again allow another person be the ruler of my happiness. I remember that just because I won't let others be the ones who control my happiness, that doesn't mean they cannot be the source of it.

It's funny, during all of this, "my song" was Dave Matthews Bands "Grey Street". Now, I'm living in technicolor.

I have found a new love.

And he is everything I needed. And wanted. And didn't know I couldn't live without. And he let's me be just me.

And now, finally, I am free.