Thursday, November 03, 2005

Mission: Accomplished!

Eleven months of finished! It was almost a year ago, I started my first knitting project. A simple scarf. It's the first project for just about every knitter. Not so simple in my hands! It started Thanksgiving weekend, a little too wide, with a small little needle..and with a lot of stubborn determination, I FINISHED THAT FREAKING SCARF LAST NIGHT!! I will post a picture soon, but let's take a little trip back in see how the scarf came to be.

July 2003: I buy needles, yarn and "Idiot's guide to Knitting"
August 2003-November 2004: I try teaching myself how to knit out of a book. No luck
Thanksgiving 2004: A friend teaches me the secrets..I'm off and knitting!
December 2004-January 2005: Scarf makes trip to Las Vegas and Oregon
February 2005: Scarf comes along for romantic Valentine's Day getaway to New Hampshire
March 2005: Off scarf goes on a road trip to IKEA in New Haven, Connecticut
June 2005: Scarf gets close to the Big Apple, during a birthday trip to New York. It stays safely tucked away in our New Jersey hotel room
July 2005: Viva Las Vegas! Scarf makes a return trip to Sin City!
August 2005: Scarf settles into its new home after moving from Watertown to Waltham
November 2, 2005: A newsroom watches as I finish the last stitch! The news greeting with a bunch of congrats and a hug from my boss!

So, scarf, we've been through a lot. We've seen a lot of the country, and had a lot of good times together. Now, it's moving on to a better home...out of my knitting bag and onto Nick's neck! It's time to start scarf number 2....


At 05 November, 2005 16:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the Ducks win in OVERTIME!!

Have yo ever used the 'NEXT BLOG' button? Randum, but entertaining.

d F

At 06 November, 2005 16:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the love? No mention of the Fibonacci theme or it's origins. Hmm...

At 14 November, 2005 18:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry kido but I haven't a clue.


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