Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Borrowing Time

Here's a little gem of wisdom from my parents. They both say that when you buy a book, you're doing more than just taking home a copy of the story. You're also buying the book with the thought in mind that you will have time to read that book. In essence, you're buying time. Today, I didn't make any big purchases, but I'm hoping my trip to the library will help me borrow a bit of time for myself.

I forgot how much I love libraries. There is no way to explain how I feel when I walk in the doors. Hopeful? Inspired? Peaceful? A religious experience? Hard to say, but I think you get the point. I am happier no other place the way I am truly happy inside a library. Today's trip: The Waltham Library. Libraries out here all say they're free over the doorway, which I have yet to figure out..but hope some informed Eastie will clue me in.

The Waltham Library is amazing. But really, every library I've been to out here is. Back home, the libraries are for the most part new, sterile constructions. Out here, the old buildings have so much character. This one is no exception. And fully stocked? You betcha! There are tons of new books that are actually on the shelf, ready to go home with you! No waiting!!! But today's trip: audiobooks!

A co-worker recently suggested picking up audiobooks for the car, and frankly it's a stroke of genius I wish I had thought of sooner! I spend about an hour in the car everyday, so just think of all the extra books I'll be able to get through now that I can listen in the car! Oh, joy!

Off to go borrow a bit of time for myself...


At 12 November, 2005 22:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite job of all time was my work study job at the PSU library. When I walked through the stacks I felt like I was surrounded by all of the smartest people of all time, and they were all friends of mine who wanted to talk to me.

At 13 November, 2005 22:19, Blogger Allison said...


and now you know why my heart aches for Powells! Thank god for The Strand in NYC! (look it up. It's the store Ron Wyden's new wife co-owns)


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