Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Quick Friend at the Gahden

Last night's date night at the Celtics game: amazing! Dinner+surprise gift+game+ blueberry beer +good conversation = Best Valentine's ever!

So, the Blazers embarrassed themselves with a huge loss. Seriously, do we expect anything less? But we topped the night off with a little piece of home.

Nick's new cousin happens to travel with the team as a sports reporter for the Oregonian. And for a few hours last night, it was like we'd never left home.

We talked about our team, our undying love for Tillamook Cheddar, and learned how Burgerville is now putting their special sauce in a jar! (note to mom: If you come out and visit without it, Nick will be so sad!) We talked shop and discussed which neighborhoods are best to live in around P-Town.

And I almost forgot how easy it can be to make a friend.

In Oregon, it was easy to meet new people. You'd go out with some friends, meet some new people, and before you know it your circle grows.

It's not so easy in Boston.

And so, tonight, I send out a thank you to Mr. Quick. It was good to be around someone who knows what it means spend a summer sipping drinks at Paddy's. Thanks for being a fast friend.


At 12 February, 2006 15:10, Blogger sonoftheprodigal said...

wouldn't it be nice to find new friends every other week? =)

At 13 February, 2006 08:33, Blogger Tamara said...

Now you're making me miss Portland too!
Burgerville and friends.
Really. Is there any other purpose?


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