Monday, May 26, 2008

525,600 Minutes

How do you measure a year that's flown by?!

I'm quickly approaching the milestone birthday. Which of course means plenty of time to think about where I've been and where I'm going. This year has been one of the most eventful ones ever!

Probably why there's been a shortage of posts recently, huh?

When I think about where I was a year ago, and where I am now, I could never have guessed I would be writing my 2-weeks-before-30 post in a bed of a man who was a total stranger 365 days ago (366 if you count the leap year!). I'm now back in TV. I live 3,000 miles from where I lived a year ago. I have a nicer tan. My hair is much longer. I kept the weight off (can't say that if I keep having Rio Buffet nights like tonight). I have new friends. I like where I'm going.

And so, 2 weeks early, I set my goals for the next decade:

- Blog more
- Workout more
- Stress less
- Travel
- Keep in better touch with you
- Work on the projects that are important to me
- Eat more fruits and veggies (is that possible?!)
- Make more things
- Stress less
- Read
- Write
- Think
- Enjoy it all!

Bring on 30!


At 28 May, 2008 09:58, Blogger Tamara said...

YAY!!!! 30 is the best ever. Can't wait to celebrate a wonderful year of YOU!

At 29 May, 2008 07:59, Blogger mimulus_99 said...

30 rocks.

heh heh.

what is the significance of 0.999336882 years? first this moron uses it as a blog heading like a year and half ago apropos of nothing and now you do too, seemingly talking about a full year, when clearly 1 year is longer than that?

i don't know if we're generation X or Y, but i reiterate: 30 rocks.


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