Sunday, November 13, 2005

T'is the Season

Just one and a half months until Christmas, and the season is already starting. Not the holiday season, but the season of rudeness. Visit a mall or shopping complex, and there is no merry and bright. There is no generousity. There is no kindness to strangers. It's honking and swearing and cutting people off in line. Why do we do this? What's wrong with us? Isn't there any humanity left in this world?

Friday's trip into the world... a total nightmare. A simple trip to the new IKEA scrubbed after signs of a 2 hour wait JUST TO PARK were more than we could bear. And after circling the lot countless time in Hingham before FINALLY finding a parking place, our trip for lunch ended unsuccessful after there was no where to sit in 2 restaurants.

But it wasn't so much the amount of people in the world, but the attitude. That feeling of entitlement. That the person next to you is owed something more that you. The arrogance. Or sometimes, even worse, the apathy. Remember after the terror attacks when everyone had those "United We Stand" bumper stickers? Where is that? Where is the unity? Who are we united with? And are we standing for anything? For anyone? Or are we all alone?

I also got in a car accident last week. Wednesday. On my drive to work. And the guy who hit me had the nerve to yell at me!! He hit me!!! (To those of you wondering more about the accident, no worries. It was a VERY minor scrape to my car. And again, no worries. The insurance company is well aware of the circumstances even if I will not be able to collect a lick.) I understand your frustration Mr. St. Clair, but really...yelling at me because you couldn't wait 2 seconds to get out into traffic does not make the situation any better. For me, and especially for you.

Why are we so angry? So mad at the world? And why is everyone taking it out on each other?

And, just when I'd given up all hope...All hope of anyone out there caring, a small bit of hope restored. Someone bought me a cup of coffee. And sure, he's a friend, and not that total stranger on the street who would push you out of the way for better line placement...but a small gesture that the world has not completely gone to shit. That people still look out for one another and still care.

So, good luck out there Christmas shopping. I suggest hitting the www to avoid the headaches. But if you head out to the malls, take a little humanity with you when you go.


At 14 November, 2005 18:44, Anonymous Anonymous said...

O-h-m-m-m-m, let the peaceful season begin.



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