Monday, May 01, 2006

Al, All Alone

She sings, " Don't wanna be...." And pictures the opening credits to Bridget Jones's Diary, with a depressed Renee Zellweger sitting in a cluttered room, filled with plates of smoldering cigarettes, empty wine bottles and other displays of human filth...and I am thankful that it isn't a mirror image.

But for the next week, it will be me...sort of. I'm left all alone, while Nick returns to Oregon. Instead of filth, I'll have a week alone to straighten up things. I'll have plenty of time to catch up on my reading. I can sleep with my kitties. That is, if I can fall asleep!

I haven't been more than just a short car ride away from Nick in 3 and a half years...and while I know I've been lucky not to have had a major distance between the two of us, it doesn't make this first one any easier.

My only solace? The hopes of Oregon presents of Burger Spread (our current 2 jars are almost empty!) and any other treasures.

And nothing hurts more than to know Nick will likely return from Oregon with a tan while I freeze my way through a New England Spring. (You want to know what the dead of winter in the Pac NW feels like? Step outside.) And, hun, don't forget about me when you're lost in the shelves at Powell' jealous....



At 02 May, 2006 10:00, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still here...

At 04 May, 2006 12:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no sympathy here try going months at a time.


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