Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring Fever

The last night we were in Southern California back in January, Nick and I watched the sun set into the Pacific on a beach in La Jolla. Sitting on a rock wall, I said good bye to the sun, and Nick said, "See you in 5 months!" Only a small exaggeration, and after months of not-so-patient waiting, my sunshine is back!

It's amazing how the sun can change things. I feel healthier, happier, ready for anything! But, sadly, I feel like I'm the only one..

There's something in the air..something I can't figure out..but there's a lot of unhappiness around me. And I feel badly. I feel sad for my hurting friends. I feel sad that I'm feeling so happy, while so many others are in pain.

What to do? I don't know. I want to help, but sometimes helping is just not helping at all.

So, I'm sending good vibes laced with Spring Fever your way. Take as much as you need, and with hope, this too shall pass.


At 31 March, 2006 03:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you Al... you are an awesome friend!!!

At 31 March, 2006 14:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best thing about being happy is that not only does it feel good it is contagious!

Stay happy,


At 01 April, 2006 07:29, Blogger Tamara said...

It's okay Al.

It's just finals.


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