Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Raining on their Parade

I woke up this morning, feeling happy for no apparent reason. Looking out the window, I figured out why. It's raining! Man, I love rain.

A disturbing development in Wal-mart Land...page 2 of my business section of the Globe tell me the soul-sucking mega-store is planning to open nearly 500 new stores in the U.S. during the next year!!! Now, I'm no math wiz (although I do have 2 terms of college calculus under my belt, quite unprecedented for a J-major), simple math tells us that's about 10 per state! That's on top of the Wal-Mart stores already open and waitng for your business.

Is this a sign of the impending apocalypse? Or something greater? My prediction (read: my hope and prayer I recite every night before bed) is that this is the beginning of the end. If only Wal-mart will expand with Krispy Kreme speed, it can soon meet the donut death those warm, fattening snacks are facing nationwide.

Still can't figure out why Wal-mart is so bad? It's best summed up by the latest JibJab cartoon. Head to their site for a little look-see; it's a sobering song sure to get you in the mood for discount shopping.

So, Wal-mart, enjoy your time on top now. Remember, even Rome fell from grace. I turn to my cat Taylor, making his own political statement now, as he sits his fat ass right on the Wal-mart article. That Taylor is one smart cat.


At 16 November, 2005 17:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to make you feel better. Actually, Wal-Mart intends to open or expand 484 stores. That includes moving and/or renovating current stores (which total about 3000 in the USA).

ps. Love the Taylor pic!


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