Sunday, November 20, 2005

A Golden Opportunity

I looks like advertisers are cashing in on a trend 70 years in the making...can anybody tell what it is about the Golden Girls that keeps us singing about friendship?

You remember that show, an honest the goodness 80s classic destined for Nick and Nite re-runs even back in the day. And still today, the fascination continues.

I'm referring to this new Playstation 2 commercial. I just saw it on MTV (While reading the Sunday paper in my PJs...future blog about that ritual soon to come, I'm sure.). Short synopsis: A bunch of guys are playing golf, two guys start mocking one of their friends, friend uses bad guy friends to blow the crap out of a golf cart. Cut to video game graphics. All to the tune of "Thank You For Being A Friend," the theme song to the show Golden Girls.

This Golden Girls phenomenon still baffles me. A few years ago, I dated a guy who would stop every time he surfed by the show. On sing-a-long nights at work, everyone knows all the words to that theme song.

These are old women!!! Why is this show so mesmerizing? Is it the witty dialogue? The funny situations these retirees keep getting themselves into? It can't be sexy Blanche, can it?

Or could it be that the Golden Girls are what we all hope for when our lives are coming to an end? Warm weather, a house full of our best friends, and endless supplies of cheesecake?

Or maybe it's just that Sophia is just so sassy...

Want some more Golden Girls trivia? Take the quiz! Find out which girl in the house you are! I'm a Dorothy!

Thank you for being a friend.


At 20 November, 2005 07:16, Blogger m0tasim said...

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