Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Raindrops keep falling on my bed...

I like rain. I like being inside when it's raining. I like how rain cleans all the crap off the world. I like when rain keeps the snow away.

I am not supposed to like rain in my bedroom.

Last night, I shuffled to bed after a very long day, and my socks landed right in a puddle in my bedroom. Naturally, I looked accusingly at the usual suspects..but Taylor and Charlotte continued their Marcel Marceau impressions they've perfected during the past five and a half years.

There's a leak! There's a leak in my window! Right by my side of the bed!! And, may I confess? I sort of like it... I know, it's bad. It's doing damage. It's not good for a house to leak. But, it's like having that peaceful rainpour sounds being piped in, just for me.

Alas, I'm taking the proper steps to fix the problem. And with hope, in a few days, my leak will be gone.

But it's been good while it lasts.


At 03 January, 2006 12:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must be sick. No one likes a leak. You must have sprung a leak yo. MAA

At 04 January, 2006 05:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, it's Ed. Nick told me about your blog, so you can blame him for my spying. I think blogging is a healthy semi daily exercise. Good for venting at least. I do the deadjournal thing myself. Mainly mediocre poetry with the occasional rant or ramble.

I was thinking yesterday how we needed some sort of catchy name for our social group, kind of like the Algonquin Round Table. Of course then we'd be fighting over who gets to be Dorothy Parker. I know I'm flat out, sadly. I just ask that I'm not referred to as George S. Kaufman.

Carole's Marauders
The Newbury Street Society of Winos and Malcontents
Madame Shepherd's Haute Monde

That's all for now.



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